Sunday, July 21, 2013


Last weekend some of us decided to go to the beach because it was our "free" day to do whatever we wanted.

First of all, some frients and I decided to go to Rideau Center because there was a problem with Alex's mobile. When we were leaving the sopping center we saw a car accident, but fortunately there wasn't anybody injured. 

After that, we met at bus stop at 12. Of course no one was there at that time, so we had to wait half an hour until everyone was there.

Once we were at the beach the first thing we did was eat our lunch because we were really hungry. Then while the girls where sunbathing we decided to play volleyball and swim a bit. 

At half past five we were planning to go to the cinema, but we didn't arrive in time so we did a "Nacho party" in the middle of the street.

In the end, while we were returning home, we saw the ones who come from the cinema and we all went home together.

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