Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Today we went horse riding! I'm going to start from the beginning. As always we went to school in the morning. We spent the hole morning there, and we, as everyday learnt a lot of new things and we improved a little bit more our English.

After that, at 2 o'clock we went in a yellow school bus! Our direction was a really big farm in the middle of the country. We arrived there, and the people who worked there gave us a horse. Each person had a horse, we were really happy about that, but some of us were nervous and afraid too!

We spent like an hour training our new horse! At first it was difficult but then all of us knew exactly how to manage with the horse. Then we all went to the country side with our horse. It was such a beautiful moment and all the landscape was wonderful. We all were so happy and excited! 

After our experience we went back home and we spent the rest of the day with our families. 

This is our last week here and we are enjoying it a lot. Tomorrow we've got our School Graduation. We are so happy about it.


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